How To Perform End-Of-Summer AC Maintenance?

As the summers come to an end you must look after your HVAC maintenance. Many people believe that HVAC maintenance should be performed before the summer season. However, it’s not true. As your HVAC unit runs almost every day without any interruptions, it must be looked after. We will discuss the end-of-summer HVAC maintenance to ensure your HVAC performs smoothly without any complications in the summer season and when you turn it on for heating in the winter season. For best results, call air conditioning repair services.

Listen To The Unit Run

HVAC units tend to run without any noise when performing but you should be on the lookout for any unusual and weird sounds. While running, the HVAC tends to produce a humming sound. But, keep in mind that an HVAC system consists of several components that can produce other types of sounds.

For instance, the HVAC system contains bearings too. So, if you hear a squeaking noise, it means the bearings need to be replaced. Plus, it could also produce a rattling sound, this means there is something broken inside the unit and you will need to shut it down.

One of the most common mistakes people tend to make while maintaining HVAC systems is expecting unusual sounds and noises to go away on their own. For them, maintenance is only about inspection and cleaning. But it goes a lot further than you think. HVAC units are expensive and designed to last for years if properly maintained.

So, in other words, it is an investment you put into your building or house. Expecting the unusual noise to go away on its own may create several other issues. Instead of waiting, you should immediately attend to the issue to avoid expensive repairs and replacements.

Clean Or Replace The Air Filters

HVAC systems not only provide cool air but also ensure it is free of contaminants and toxicants before it is circulated in the house. This happens with the help of air filters installed in the indoor unit. Depending on the model of the AC, it may have one or more filters.

With time, these filters tend to become clogged with dust, dirt, and other threatening particles. In such a case, your HVAC will feel distressed and put in more work for better airflow. Plus, there is also a chance that contaminated air making its way into your house.

This could be a dangerous situation for the elderly or kids living in the house. Inhaling dirt and dust particles can lead to allergies and respiratory issues. This is why it is equally important to look after the air filters as well and make sure they are clean.

However, if your unit is old, you may have to replace the air filters. Contact the manufacturer for the exact replacement or get in touch with AC repair services McLean. They will help you opt for the right air filter.

Check All The Electrical Connections

Another noteworthy maintenance tip that most people tend to overlook is checking the electrical connections. Your HVAC system comes with a lot of wires and components that communicate with each other via signals transferred through connections.

These connections are affected by external factors such as dirt, dust, humidity, moisture, etc. This is a huge reason why you must maintain your HVAC system when the time is due. The accumulation of dust can cause a problem for the connections.

As a result, you might face an error or the unit not working properly. Plus, you should make sure the connections don’t have rust or corrosion as that is going to be a problem as well.

Clean The Coils And Their Units

The outdoor unit of your HVAC system comes with condenser and evaporator coils. These coils tend to release heat that is produced as a result of the cool air production process. This means these coils need to be able to dissipate heat properly for the entire unit to function normally.

But, the fact of the matter is that these coils like other components are overlooked when it comes to maintenance. The coils inside an HVAC unit are expensive and won’t let the unit produce cool or warm air if there is an issue. As part of maintenance, you should check the coils for any accumulations as well.

If you find any, you should use a detergent, soft brush, or cloth to remove it by cleaning the air handler unit and the condenser unit. Make sure the coils are cool before you proceed with cleaning them. Unplug the unit from the main power source and if you have recently used the unit, let it cool down for a while.

Check The Air Ducts

Having an HVAC system installed most likely means you have a air duct system installed as well. Since you are closing down the unit until it returns, you have to keep in mind that the winter season is going to bring in a lot of unwanted guests. This means that rats, birds, and other animals might end up in the ducts while searching for warm areas.

As a result, your duct system might get choked or damaged due to chewing and all that. While properly covering the ducts is one thing, you will need to inspect it thoroughly before turning on the unit. Make sure there are no occupants to help the unit run effectively.

Repair Or Replace The HVAC Unit

Generally, HVAC units do not need frequent repairs and replacement if they are maintained properly. But some minor issues may occur if you turn on the unit after a season. This can be prevented by inspecting the unit thoroughly before and after the summer season.

If your HVAC unit tends to be old, you will need to either repair or replace minor components. But, if you observe that there is a new problem each time, it means the HVAC unit needs to be replaced. Regardless of how well the unit is maintained, it will need to be replaced sooner or later. Ideally, an HVAC unit will run for 10 years until needing a replacement.

Can I Maintain An HVAC System Myself?

Maintaining an HVAC system is not difficult. You can check the air filters, make sure there are no accumulations of dirt and dust, etc. while keeping an eye out for unusual signs & symptoms as well. This goes a long way in terms of preventing complicated issues.

But you might not be able to access deep inside unless you have the experience and the tools. That is why, it is suggested to hire an expert who can perform thorough inspections and maintenance. While you might not be able to check refrigerant levels and leaks, the professional will do it.

This is why and where you need a professional’s hand. A lot could go wrong and you can prevent that from happening by paying a small amount.


The end-of-summer maintenance is easy and should be performed regularly especially when it’s time. Meanwhile, you should keep an eye out for weird noises and unusual signs. If you face an issue, keep the tips mentioned above in mind and consult an HVAC repair service Vienna. Professional maintenance is an investment that you should offer your HVAC unit regularly to keep it running without any issues.

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